A Village for One

​Uniting the community to uplift, support, and heal youth impacted by sexual exploitation + trafficking.

Our aim is to bring the talents and gifts of our community together to create an opportunity to serve each child that has been impacted by sexual exploitation in our local community. The community unites to provide youth with a home, nourishment, education, holistic healing, mentorship, service, and opportunity to grow, believe, and become their greatest potential.

Get Support

Learn more about our mental health services, case management, and resource connection provided to individuals aged 12-25 impacted by sexual exploitation in both community and residential settings. 

Take Action

Learn more about how to support our mission and the youth we serve through donations, our outpatient and residential Amazon wishlists, partner organizations, and more.

A Village for One Recognition

Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating

Check out our four star rating from Charity Navigator by clicking the photo above!

National Accreditation

Last spring, we met 425 standards to receive National Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation. Click above to learn more about this process and what it means for our program!

Guide Star Gold Transparency

A Village For One recently received a "Gold" seal in transparency from Guide Star. Check it out by clicking on the photo above!

Keep in touch!

Contact us below for donation and volunteer inquiries, as well as referrals for services.